"Will bend data for food"

I'm sure you've been dying to know why I haven't posted in a while, I actually started doing some freelance work for an escape room we have here in Burlington called, Esc4pe. After doing a print ad and some some freaky databending animations for a social media campaign, I am now their resident artist/art director. I'm super excited to join the team and see where this all goes. I'll update you as things progress, but for now, I've gotten the 'okay' to post what I've done recently, so there they are. Be warned, there is sound, it might be loud...

The best part was getting paid in actual money, instead of "exposure," as many people like to offer as payment. This is actually both, which is great. Everyone should go to esc4pe.com right now and support these people so that they'll need tons of art from me. 

I have a lot of other things to work on now, I'll keep you updated and make sure to post some more playful, less anxiety inducing art at some point, but for now, it's 24/7 databending fun times.